An Introduction

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I tend to live by the mantra, “life is an adventure”. Each decision I make and changes I make to my life I usually pick the option that is the most challenging. Basically, I live for the struggle. Which makes my life chaotic and messy. But, I’m on an adventure. right? I believe if I don’t try then I might never realize my passions. Sometimes it’s better to fail at something we love than stay stuck in a situation that we hate. That’s how at almost 40 years of age I decided to take the leap and leave my secure full-time job and start my own doula practice.

When I left high school I participated in a foreign exchange program and lived in Russia for six months. I was placed with a host family, who did not speak English, in a small town in the western part of Russia. This was definitely one of the most transformative experiences of my life. And would require an entirely new blog post to tell that story. When I returned to the States, I worked at the local library and then started college the following Fall. I was convinced I wanted to be a performer. I majored in theatre arts for two years, taking dance classes and singing with the University Glee Club, until I realized I was unhappy and needed a change. I ended up with a degree in Media Studies. After graduation I taught at a private boarding school, the Arthur Morgan School, and I also worked in local television news in Greensboro for three years. When I returned to school to pursue my graduate degree I knew Public Health Education was more of a passion to me rather than TV news.

It was in when I was back in school that I was introduced to birth education and I attended a DONA Doula training course. Due to my school obligations, and becoming pregnant in my last year of grad school, I did not complete my doula certification. For years I have been working in Public Heath Education as a Community Health Educator in a SNAP-Ed program and as a adjunct professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. In addition to my Masters in Public Health, I am also a Master Certified Health Education Specialist. After having my own children and working in the community I know that birth and postpartum support is vital to the health of a family. I am a full-spectrum doula with Doula Trainings International because their program has a strong reproductive justice and anti-racist focus. In addition to my doula certification, I am certified to plan and implement any health education intervention, I am certified to teach the Our Whole Lives, Lifespan Sexuality Education, and I’m a licensed full-spectrum doula trainer with DTI. At the college level I have taught a slew of courses including Personal Health, Human Sexuality, Introduction to Public Health, Community Health Interventions, among others.

I believe everyone is entitled to quality birth education and supportive birth and postpartum care regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, and economic status. If you are interested in my services and don’t think you can afford them, please contact me so we can discuss a way for us to work together. I never want cost to be a reason you do not get the care and support you deserve.

My Lunch ‘N Learn Video series is in this blog space too. This series is my way of reaching out to the birth worker community in my area. My guests all have some kind of connection with birth work, babies, and/or parenting.

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Nice to meet you! I'm a doula in Greensboro, NC (and virtually), as well as a doula trainer with Doula Trainings International (DTI).

I believe doulas are for everyone.

want to know more?


Birth Story #1


Lunch ‘N Learn Episode 2